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Just blew me away!!! Returning to gaming after a long time...underwhelmed with the missed potential of Squadrons and a bit overwhelmed by the greater complexity of the XWA2020 Upgrade til I get my head back into control mapping.

Once I mastered Sidequest (probs more operator error than any issues with the app) I lost the rest of my day to dodging the prettiest asteroids I've ever seen and enjoying flying in the Star Wars universe with a simple intuitive VR interface.

Looking forward to further developments and happy to donate for new features and upgrades

Robert, this game is wonderful! And V1.1 was a big step forward! Very well done! Have you considered adding a HUD reticle and target display like the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter games used to have? Or making the auto-aim effect adjustable on a slider to streamline targeting when multiple enemy are in close proximity to one another? I can't wait for future updates. Keep up the great work! 

 Woah! This game is incredible! I need more! No VR game has ever made me feel actually nauseous! lol Warning maybe leave "Spinning" to Anakin lol 

When I was a kid, I loved playing the stars arcade cabinet game, that was more of a fixed rail shooter but had all the sounds, the booming sounds.

This is the apex evolution of that! This brings out the inner kid of just flying around in the iconic xwing and being in a mess of a space battle. 

Runs extremely smooth and is just so much fun to replay.

Also, Han must gotten pegged in the face because oh my god.

tl;dr; 10/10 demo, yelling "yahoo" is instinctual when blowing away two tie fighters in two seconds


I really hope you are still developing this! This is the perfect space game for Quest. Combat is difficult, but very rewarding. I loved having the ability to just fly around the stunning environments! Been looking for something like this for a while and it really makes me want to binge the movies again. Thank you so much for making this! It's great to be able to fly through space without having to link up my laptop for Squadrons!


Hey Thanks buddy! Much appreciated and thank you for your donation! Yes, this is very much in development, early developement infact... I have some major updates coming soon, including the Death Star trench run, racing and a little further down the line, Multiplayer.

I was hoping to have an update out a couple of weeks ago however the GPU on my dev machine bit the dust so I'd been side-tracked for a while unfortunately.

Development is back under way and an update should be forthcoming soon

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

I am so happy to hear you're doing the trench run! I have tried Project Stardust and really felt the mechanics were lacking (basically had to spam the brakes to get through it alive.) Once you get it to a point you're happy with, don't forget to put it on Sidequest. Several reviews of Project Stardust explicitly mention a desire for a Quest native trench run. I know it's a fine line you have to walk to prevent C&D, but you do deserve some kudos for what you've accomplished so far.

Thank you so much for responding! I am so excited to see what the future brings!

I'm sorry to have heard about your computer problem.  That explains why the Discord has been quiet recently.  I'm glad to hear you are somewhat back on your feet, and hope to see an update in the future.


Thanks Buddy!

problems all resolved now, happy to be back in business!

New version 0.4 available from 23rd August..

More development to come!

Looks great, love the sound effects and all really brings the star wars vibe to life😃

Hey thanks dude! Appreciate that.

Be sure to check out the new features I've added.

Thank you again

Will there be support for other platforms?

I have a more advanced version I was hoping to release on PCVR. Am focusing on standalone hardware for now and multiplayer before finishing the PC version.

Pico 4 version please

Thank you for your enquiry.

I would love to release a version for the Pico 4 and have the SDK to do so, however I would require a Pico 4 headset before I could do this. If and when I can beg, borrow or buy one, I will certainly do this.